Radka Valová a Jakub Vala


OOOOX is the architectural studio of Radka and Jakub Valových. And also their team, which guarantees that what you have dreamed up and drawn with them will stand and work. The concrete won’t crumble, the doors will click easily and the wood will smell – that’s what renovation or construction means to them. Their architecture is solid and stable.

OOOOX is a world full of surprises, beauty and small details

OOOOX is not just a portfolio of realizations, but also everything that permeates their lives. It is a world that is full of surprises, beauty and small details. It reflects their passion for architecture and design, but also how they live, travel and what they love.

Radka and Jakub Vala are two architects and parents of a little Viking Erik, who love wild nature and offroad at the same time. Iceland is their heartland, but they also like to travel around cities, especially in the north, where they live in designer apartments and where, in the end, they say, they only go to pubs and architecture anyway. They love industrial and militant buildings, so in Vienna, Berlin or Hamburg they like to go on expeditions to bunkers and submarines or wander the docks between container ships. All these experiences can be found on their travel website TORLEIDI.

For Radka and Jakub, housing is the basis. They live in a beautiful black barn in the mountains, where the first anarchist print shop was once located, overlooking the valley. As they say themselves, they love renovation and living so much that they didn’t even tear down this ruin, but squeezed the most out of its potential. With renovations, their own experience speaks for them. This home is a place where they draw energy, find peace and feel great. They don’t leave the industrial environment at work either, their studio can be found in the multifunctional space of the HAM Factory, where the first Prague ham factory used to be located.

Their motto is “Knowledge/Trust/Result.” That’s exactly what you get from OOOOX. When you are building or renovating your apartment or house, pretty visuals are not enough. You need to be confident that someone who really understands design and construction is with you all the way.


Contact information
info@symaliving.cz +420 241 404 574
Social Media
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Company information
SYMA Production s.r.o.
IČ: 26735130
DIČ: CZ26735130
Modřická 910/71, 664 48 Moravany
Branch Praha
Za Stodolou 94, 251 01
Modletice u Prahy
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Branch Brno
Modřická 910/71, 664 48
Moravany u Brna
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